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The Catalytic Agent

The Brass Ring is Still Within Your Grasp

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Now available in paperback, edition.

The major medical and insurance industry has morphed over the years and now has become a problem more than a cure, preying on the financial ignorance of the American public. 
Ignorance breed inflations and a lack of cost control. It's the perfect ingredient for increased deductibles, expanded co-insurance, and additional co-pays. It is the tactic used by big government and big business in dastardly plot to hide, confuse and baffle consumer comprehension of actual rate increases.

Kent Long, a new breed of insurance agent exposes the injustice happening and shares how we can restore healthcare to its original mission.


The Catalytic Agent

The Catalytic Agent
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It's Your Choice, Choose What Healthcare You Want
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America You've Been Robbed
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Kent Long | Who's Gets Paid the MOST
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Kent Long | Price Gouging
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Listen to Kent's Latest Interview on Healthcare Americana

Once in a Generation OpportunityKent Long
00:00 / 46:07
About Kent

Reformer | Author | Recruiter | Trainer

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Kent Long is the CEO of Catalyst Insurance Group and runs one of the largest insurance agencies in the county. As a long term of veteran insurance agent, Kent operates as a national trainer and speaks to audiences of the unique consumer-driven insurance strategies now available. Such strategies help to set companies and their employees free from being ripped off by predatory medical billing within a corrupted system.


Kent is one of the nation's leading healthcare experts and travels across America and explains why healthcare has become a financial crisis. Using vivid stories and personal experience Kent explains how a new business model of price gouging, middlemen, and a series of elusive money games is in need of a serious overhaul. 


Kent explains in his new book, "The Catalytic Agent" how the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) along with the redefining of major medical insurance, has become a vehicle for corruption and abuse exposing what he calls, "America's healthcare cartel".


He continues to recruit and train a new breed of agent, one that advocates on behalf of the consumer while providing a greater value of accountability within the industry.



Defined Benefits Explained

 Powerful Consumer Driven Solutions

Defined Benefits

Watch as we describe how major changes in health insurance are promoting the power of price transparency.

Insurance Career

We're Training and Equipping Insurance Agents

with the Right Vehicle for Reform


Join the Fastest Growing Agency in America

No one is captive. Our agents are an all-volunteer army yet we are the fastest growing health insurance agency in America. Why? Because when you join us, you get understanding, training, & team work. Our agents can tell you better than I can. A large percentage of my agents were clients first!


We understand the product on multiple levels. We’re focused on your success and train continually in various forms including video training, live webinars and live in-person events. We see the bigger picture. Sure we’re competitive, but we greatly benefit from the synergy we get from sharing, presentation ideas, provider sources, & client stories.​


Here are just a few of the benefits:


  • Your competitive advantage sends your closing rate through the roof

  • You would cut individual and small business health insurance rates by 40-50% while improving the scope and depth of their coverage

  • You can qualify for world class trips for you and your spouse

  • A long-term residual income

  • Renewals are vested from day 1

  • World-class training and support

  • Multiple contests and bonuses throughout the year

  • Money and the freedom to enjoy it

Industry News & Highlights
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KENT LONG | The Catalytic Agent


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Catalyst Insurance Group

Oklahoma City, OK




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KENT LONG | The Catalytic Agent

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